Like many of the best things in life our decision to offer a Fluffetts home delivery service to local homes came about unplanned. While in the past we have often supplied eggs by the tray direct to friends and from our shop or market stall the idea of offering this as a formal delivery service seemed too challenging. However the 3rd UK lockdown at the start of January 2021 changed everything – our hospitality customers had been shut down over Christmas and then after one day of term schools were closed for an indefinite period. Faced with the prospect of the loss of half our business and with 4 flocks of hens in full production we had to find new ways of getting eggs to our customers. During the first week of the lockdown word spread via school mums WhatsApp groups and through social media. Within the space of a few days Vey was spending her afternoons with a car full of eggs and 3 children ‘home schooling’ on iPads delivering trays of eggs to local homes. Further publicity followed when the BBC ran a story on South Today News detailing the plight of food producers trying to find new outlets and focused on Fluffetts as a key local example. By the end of January 100’s of homes were having a weekly delivery of our 2 trays of medium eggs and already anxious customers were starting to ask – ‘Will you be able to continue with this when things get back to normal?’. Well, having learnt to integrate this service into what we already do, the answer has to be yes, Fluffetts owe a huge debt of gratitude to all the people who rallied round to help make the most of the lockdown egg surplus and we are determined to keep improving on this service and delivering our delicious fresh eggs direct to as many local homes as possible.